Owning and knowing your new tesla: Know-hows 2020

Owning and knowing your new tesla: Know-hows 2020

The Current-Sipping Car TESLA

Rapid confluence and streaming up in the mainstream of an electric world will tremendously lower down the emitting machines and even though fuel has more power but has extra verges of ruining the entire world with the emissions it emits.

Tesla has fastened its belts to endow the world a breather of fresh air, emitting not even the granules of smoke and in turn quieting the world with it’s near to no sound engine.

It was late back when we saw people strolling elsewhere could lend you hands in fixing your car’s engine, brakes, or even towage thing, but going about the same with Tesla won’t work, a hand of knowledge and expertise is what we want for it.

Owning and maintaining a Tesla is no novice play, and can even lend you in awkward scenarios. Knowing your electric machine demands your willing contribution to it, either grab on it’s manual or head down with all related to HOW-TOs of nurturing your Tesla.

  • Receiving it for the first time
  1. Where to find the VIN of the new TESLA?
  2. Adding other contacts to my new TESLA?
  3. How to do payments of my loan through TESLA lending?
  • Using and accessing the Tesla application
  1. How to use the application of TESLA?
  2. How to check my energy usage?
  3. How can I navigate to my touch screen?
  4. Setting up the driver profile?
  5. Setting up the Range mode?
  • Maintaining and Travelling in your new Tesla
  1. Can losing keys be a problem?
  2. Dealing with the cold weather?
  3. Operating the charging port?
  4. Updating the software thing?

Getting your TESLA for the first time

  • Where to find the VIN of the new TESLA?

The Vehicle Identification Number can be traced by initiating a signing-in in your TESLA account or else can also be done through your TESLA app and select your model of car. It can also be achieved through stroking or touching your TESLA logo on the touchscreen.

  • Adding other contacts to my new TESLA?

To have an input of some other contact number, that can be done with a swift, by reaching out to the TESLA account and hitting the Account in the very upper right corner. Secondly, select the ‘Personal Information’ and then hit contact and by doing so you can any of your contact. 

  • How to do payments of my loan through TESLA lending?

By the time you receive your new electric friend from TESLA, within a span of 2 to 3 weeks, you will be receptive to a host of emails from the bank whom you have chosen for the financing.

  Setting up your payments and other payment-related specific instructions will be given to you. Then the payment will be made directly and specifically to the bank that has financed your loan.  And if yours is the case of lending, then that would be done within 30 days of your delivery date.

Using and accessing the TESLA application

Accessing your TESLA application has 2 windows, either make it through Android or Apple and what it does is, it lends you full-fledged control of monitoring your car’s security. Once you have your application ready on your cell, now head with your TESLA account email address and encryption and get linked with your Powerwall. 

  • How to check my energy usage?

The real-time energy consumption of your car can be viewed from the Energy application of TESLA. If you want a piece of information regarding your selected route, then do hit the ‘Trips’ button in the Controls section from the glossy touch screen of your TESLA and you will be revealed with an energy consumption log for your desired route.

  • How can I navigate to my touch screen?

A flood of information torrenting on the TESLA’s touchscreen can lend you a host of knowledge and cognizance. The features required to drive your TESLA are always glowing on the screen. 

With TESLA it doesn’t go about the way it did with traditional cars where we had buttons for AC controls and music, here the touchscreen of TESLA has controls over many features.  The touch screen can be set as per your preferences.

  • Setting up the driver profile?

TESLA has software in its veins and as you come to adjust its side mirror, driver’s seat, or even the steering wheel, you will be prompted to initiate, create and save your profile and the accessing for later times can be done by:

  1. On your touchscreen tap on the ‘Driver Profile’.
  2. Tap on ‘Add new driver’ and then tap ‘Create Profile’
  3. Then make the adjustments of the steering wheel, side mirrors, and seat as per your ease and hit save.
  •  Setting up the Range mode?

Majorly in Model X and Model S, the functionality of range mode does the energy-conserving thing by reducing the power of the climatic control system. By the time you are sprinting on Range mode, your car will be using less energy in setting up climates inside your car be it hot or cool. This can be done in All-wheel-drive car mode too, the motors engaged in torquing out power starts working on optimized mode to maximize the span of the journey.

Maintenance and Travelling in your new TESLA

  • Can losing keys be a problem?

Did you lose your TESLA car keys? Surprisingly you can drive it off even if you don’t have them. The Tesla application allows you to ignite the car remotely even if you don’t have keys-of-electric-toys. The TESLA key fobs and key cards can be linked too at the TESLA’s service center.

  • Dealing with the cold weather?

The performance of your TESLA can really have a ponderous impact on the electric boy. The regenerative brakes don’t work at their full potential even if you have a car-fully-charged. Cold weather really hits hard, at least with a TESLA. But TESLAS can be prepared for the cold weather and the instructions are.

     1. Conditioning your car beforehand through the TESLA app nearly one hour before you drive off.

     2. Set your car to charge while it is getting conditioned to help save the loss of battery from the battery pack.

     3. Do turn off the range mode to avoid the limiting of power effect which takes place in Range mode.

  • Operating the charging port?

TESLA’s charging connectors become active with a smash on them. By pushing the button on the connector, the charging port will come out as open. Opening the charging connector can be done through your touchscreen or else by pressing the cover of the port while you have your car unlocked. 

The 3 colors depicting the charging pattern


The car is ready for the charging process


The car is getting prepared for the charging process


The car has started getting charged

  • Updating the software thing?

Since we have an automated car, sprinting on software, lending you the joy of automated driving, so you don’t have to hassle around for its updates, neither the updates are to be collected from the TESLA service center, nor do they are purchased in exchange for money. The updates can be directly installed from the touchscreen and might take nearly 2 hours, depending on the health of your internet connection. But if you know of some powerful wi-fi connections then you are good to go with your updates downloaded and installed within minutes.